  • 家具购买流程
    Shopping Process:

• 浏览物品
  Browse items 
• 添加到购物车 
  Add to the cart 
• 筛选物品 
  Select items
• 生成订单 
  Generate an order
• 填写联系方式 
  Fill in contact information
• 激活订单 
  Activate an order
• 主动电话激活订单,如不在工作日的时段,请等待客服来电激活订单
   Call in to activate an order, or wait for a customer service call on a non-weekday.
• 与客服沟通后确认最终的订单
   Confirm the final order after communicating with service staff.
• 根据单号和手机号查询订单 
   Review an order using order and mobile phone numbers.
• 完成付款 Make payment.